Friday, January 8, 2016

Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional

Occasionally I watch Saturday Night Live. I almost always laugh. Since laughter is the best medicine, I trust that you enjoy the clip.

Debby Downer is someone who brings negativity and fear into every conversation. We laugh at the comedy sketches thankful that we do not have friends with the worldview of "Life is bad and then it gets worse."

When something is bothering me I do want to share it of discuss it with others. I think that is a human tendency. What we learn  on our spiritual path is that wherever our attention goes, energy flows. If I continuously put my attention on what is going wrong with my life and with the world, then I will get more of that. A great rule of thumb is to share your story only once. Then let it go.

Refuse to be  a Debby Downer. Refuse to grow more pain and live a life of suffering.

On page 107 of The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes wrote: " The world is beginning to learn that it has learned all it should through suffering and pain. Surely there can be no Intelligence in the universe that wishes humans to be sick, suffer pain, be unhappy and end in oblivion.Surely if God or Universal Intelligence is imbued with goodness, then It could not ordain that humans should ultimately be other than  perfect expressions of Life." 

So when we think about it, that ultimate thinking Stuff could not have intended for us to suffer pain, but might have given us pain so that we could change our actions, words and thoughts. Pain is feedback. Learn to listen to it than change course.

Let's practice together to choose to live in alignment with our spiritual nature.

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