Thursday, February 6, 2014

Self-Love is Just the Beginning. So Let's Get Started!

Today’s entry from the book “The Joyous Living Journal” is entitled “Self-Love,” and the affirmation reminds me:

“I love myself just the way that I am.
 I know I will continue to grow and learn,
but who I am is already precious and beautiful.”

I just love the timing for this!

Tomorrow, of course, the Women’s Groups is hosting a Girls Night Out at 7pm that will feature a workshop/intuitive art class with an emphasis on self-love. (Lisa McClure gave all the details in her blog post "Art Workshop with Psychic and Local Medium Ginger Roberts", but you can email amygreenroyd at gmail dot com for details.)

I had already signed up to attend to workshop, but if I needed any confirmation, the universe gave me a gentle reminder with today’s journal entry. The messages always seem to come, don’t they? Even if we’re not particularly listening... The thing is, they keep coming when we refuse to listen - they just get much louder, until we can’t help but listen, but that is another topic...Fortunately, I am learning to listen to the gentle nudge.

Learning to love ourselves is truly the key to being able to enjoy happy, fulfilling relationships, and to having any sort of meaningful success..

Perhaps it is time to put away the tapes of negative comments that have been playing in your head ever since you were a child, and replace them the knowledge that you are a miracle of love, light, life, beauty, power, peace and joy. It all resides within you and radiates as you.

I’m looking forward to the workshop tomorrow. Not sure what the outcome will be, except that I’ll spend the evening with a group of wonderful, witty, wise and compassionate ladies who always leave me feeling better for having spent time with them. If you’ve never had a chance to hang out with the ladies from the Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley Women’s Group, I encourage you to do so – you’ll be glad you did.


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