Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Living Today - Ernest Holmes Affirmation

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I lie in an eternal
present filled with an everlasting good.  There is nothing unhappy or
morbid in my consciousness.  I have no fear of yesterday nor do I
anticipate tomorrow with anything other than enthusiastic expec-
tation.  Everything good in my experience shall create my future.  I
have no fear in looking backward or forward, but realize the eternal
day in which I now live.  Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love
and life well-lived.  Tomorrow will provide its own blessings.
~ Ernest Holmes

1 comment:

  1. We don't need to worry about the past. If we made a mistake all we can do is ask for forgiveness which shows that we realize or error. From there we just need to move forward.


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