Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fr. Patrick Peyton Interviews Marshall McLuhan

Electric circuitry profoundly involves men with one another. Information pours upon us, instantane- ously and continuously. As soon as information is acquired, it is very rapidly replaced by still newer information. Our electrically-configured world has forced us to move from the habit of data classifica- tion to the mode of pattern recognition. We can no longer build serially, block-by-block, step-by-step, because instant communication insures that all factors of the environment and of experience co- exist in a state of active interplay. - Marshall McLuhan

    The second half of the interview Marshall McLuhan gives his view on prayer, 
frequent readers of this blog will digg it. 

The Medium Is The Massage 


  1. Or, the medium is the mEssage... :)

  2. The Medium Is The Massage, The title is a play on McLuhan's saying "The medium is the message". McLuhan adopted the term "massage" to denote the effect each medium has on the human sensorium, taking inventory of the "effects" of numerous media in terms of how they "massage" the senses.

  3. Thanks for the clarification Darin!


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